... Jesus cried out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink."
... Jesus cried out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink."
How do we behave in times of testing, when we are going through the wilderness? Does the fire of trials make us behave like the children of Israel, who because they rebelled and did not believe that the Lord could accomplish what He had promised them, wandered 40 years in the desert until all the rebellious adults died, or do we behave like Jesus during the 40 days of fasting, when He was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil (Matthew 4:1-11)? You may say that Jesus is God and was able to overcome temptations. But the verse Matthew 4:2 says about Jesus that, "afterward He was hungry". While He lived on Earth, Jesus needed food, water, and sleep like any of us. Here are just a few verses that show that Jesus lived as a man: “Now as they sat and ate, Jesus said...” - Mark 14:18a; “A woman of Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, ‘Give Me a drink.’” - John 4:7; But as they sailed He fell asleep...” - Luke 8:23a.
What drives us in life determines whom we belong to and where we will spend eternity. We make countless choices every day, and the quality of the life we live and the path we walk on, depend on the nature of these choices.
We cannot live like the world does and call ourselves God's children. Since the fall of Adam and Eve, the world belongs to the evil one and is ruled by sin. That's why friendship with the world, and fulfilling the desires of the carnal nature are not pleasing to God. The Holy Spirit is the witness of belonging to the family of God. When His fruit of love, joy, peace, and all that is good manifests in us, in situations where we would normally feel the exact opposite, it reconfirms to us that we are saved. And the apostle James explained very clearly that we cannot be friends with the world and believe that we belong to God at the same time.
The Holy Spirit lives in the heart that is fully surrendered to Jesus and wants us to belong completely to the Lord. And only when we belong fully to God can we be truly happy.
Jesus did not pretend to be human, He was born a human and lived in a human body just like us. Jesus renounced His attributes as God while He lived on earth, and His behavior was, is, and will always be, the perfect example for each of us. He performed miracles through the power of the Holy Spirit and showed us the importance of prayer and an intimate, constant relationship with the heavenly Father. He taught us to desire to do only the will of the heavenly Father, not to seek personal good at the expense of others, not to love the things of the world, and to hate sin and everything that is connected to it. To be able to live this way, we must fully love God and our neighbor as Jesus said in the next verse.
To be able to love God with all that we are and all that we have, we must know that we no longer belong to ourselves, but to Him who redeemed us by paying with His own death for our sins. When we have surrendered everything to God, it means that we also surrendered our desires and plans for the future. Only then can we delight in the Lord, are happiest in His presence, and seek to spend as much time with Him as possible. As a result, our hearts are full of the joy and peace of Jesus, we think of the things above, not of things on the earth (Colossians 3:2), and we no longer desire what the Lord does not want for us. When our desires are pleasing to the Lord, He fulfills them:
What is the foundation of our life of faith? If one came to Jesus only to solve their problems, heal their sicknesses, give them prosperity, do them justice, and fulfill their dreams, they cannot have a joyful, peaceful life. But those who came to the Lord because they understood that He first loved them and died in their place to save them, live to please the Lord, not themselves, and they enjoy the abundant life through Jesus Christ.
Let us realize that we cannot live as the devil and think that we are saved simply because we believe that Jesus is the Son of God! It is amazing how many Christians believe that God must solve all their problems, save them from all their suffering, and fulfill all their desires and when it does not happen, they get disappointed and after a while, some even forsake the Lord. Whoever really studies the Bible and gets to know Jesus, understands that He was not exempt from trials and sufferings on earth. And if He who never sinned suffered because of the wickedness of evil men, why would we think that we should be spared? Those who belong to the kingdom of darkness make everyone around them suffer, including us. God is love. He never harms us, but He is with us in the trials and uses them to transform us, so that we can become more like Him. Let us stop loving the values of this world, and seek godly values and heavenly blessings.
We cannot mix a life led by the Holy Spirit, with the lusts of the flesh. We cannot serve two masters and love them both at the same time. No one gets to heaven because they once chose Jesus to be their Lord and then lived led by the desires of their flesh. We cannot be carnal Christians. Whoever is led by the flesh, must be born-again, so that they can be led by the Holy Spirit. During the Babylonian captivity, the three young Jews, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego, preferred to be burned alive in the furnace of the emperor Nebuchadnezzar, than to sin before God, by worshiping the king.
We would have expected that God would not allow these strong believers to be thrown into the furnace, or that God would have stopped the fire. But the emperor who thought himself as being god, infuriated by the young men’s disobedience, ordered the fire to be 7 times stronger than normal. The young men ended up in the furnace, but Jesus was in it with them, and all were untouched by the fire, “the hair of their head was not singed nor were their garments affected, and the smell of fire was not on them” (Daniel 3:27b). The Lord is with us in every trial we have to face. He never forsakes us if we choose to be His, and He strengthens and equips us with everything we need to face any trial! Glory be to our God!
Jesus has overcome the world, but how many Christians are still overcome by worldly thinking and a worldly outlook on life? Through Jesus we can overcome selfishness, self-centeredness, and the values of the world. By loving what the Lord loves, having the right perspective on earthly and eternal life, and living to show the world the love of the Father, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us! Carmen Pușcaș
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